Monday, August 26, 2013

Smell of Fading Summer Breeze
I was at our room this morning praying the rosary. I was in the middle of my meditation when suddenly, a cool  breeze started coming in. Yes, I remember I opened the window this morning when I fixed our bed (I love the view of our neighbor's garden from the window), and now, I'm loving this soft air touching my skin. And I realized summer is somehow saying goodbye to me.
I was enjoying the moment when I heard a lawn mower coming from somewhere. At first I thought it was noisy, but after a while, I smelled a crisp, fresh smell of the grass. It was wonderful. I was thinking and feeling a bit of heaven. I thanked God for giving me the chance to enjoy this day, these little things that we don't usually pay attention to. Little things that make a big difference when noticed.
Yeah, it was the smell of the fading summer breeze. The touch of an air that reminds me of how I spent my long summer days...

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Not so nice Sunday

Oh, how time flies...and it's Sunday again. Last Sunday of my very long holiday from school. Wow! It seems like yesterday when I was so overly excited to embrace the summer break, and now, it is coming to an end. I was actually looking forward to a nice Sunday when I woke up this morning.
But it's almost eleven at night and I feel like I had a not so nice Sunday. The day passed by quietly, empty. Don't know why. Well, maybe some days are better than others...